Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9-23-11 Day 1

My morning had been typical waking up, breakfast and showering.  Checking emails, etc.  The difference was me sending out an email to my clients that I was now homeless and had filed for bankruptcy two weeks earlier.

I then proceeded to move the rest of my stuff into the garage to be moved at a later date once I had secured a storage unit to put it in.

Once done, I left the house to go live on the streets.  It didn’t take long to see someone in worst shape then I.  A young lady in her 20’s was on the bus and using a razor blade in a half ass attempt to kill herself.  Based on the conversation on the bus as we watched the paramedics work on her, was that she was high on something.  She felt emotionally lost and exhausted based on the few things I did hear her say to the paramedics.

My day continued on as I took care of business and pondered where I was going to sleep.  What park area would be safe?  How smelly would I become by morning?  Could I arrange a trick to spend the night with?  What in the hell would I do for eight hours killing time till I was sleepy enough to crash somewhere, anywhere.

Up till this day, I had been in other situations where I was close to becoming homeless, but God/Universe always came through with something, someplace to call home until things improved.
So why not this time?  Or am I expecting too much too soon.  Have I lost faith?  Have I lost some sanity?  I mean really, a normal person would be freaking out by now and yet I am calm.  I’m not freaking out or concerned about what is or is not going to happen.

Life goes on…I go on.

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