One thing I have learned over the years is that you can create the life you want on a spiritual/sub conscious level, which will manifest itself on a conscious level. However, in order to make that happen, you have to be surrounded by those people that will help create that. Thus, who your friends, family and associates are, will have a direct imp0act on who you and what you become.
So when a Guru says; “Visualize yourself as _________ and you will become it.” They should also fo0llow it up with; “And draw the people into your life that will help you become it.”
Here is a perfect example. Someone wants to become a great author, so they work hard at writing various short stories, novels, poems, whatever it is they wish to become great at.
They show their work to their family and friends who out of their wanting to please you, will tell you that it’s good, great, wonderful, etc. And of course some will even go as far as say, “You should get this published.” The family and friends don’t mean to miss lead you, they after all, feel that they must be encouraging and helpful that is why they say what they say. But there kindness, while meant to be good, can actually be damaging as it creates a false sense of pride.
This false sense of pride then leads to trying to get the ‘work’ published and when that fails, the scum of the publishing world known as “Self Publishing” offers you a golden opportunity to get published for a great low price. It does not matter that the gook is great, adequate or poor. It’s money to them, either way. Their business model is set up to make money, no matter what.
This is why there is so much crap out there today and why good writers who will become great with the right encouragement and practice become disillusioned, dis-hearted and give up.
My business plan was designed to be that one company to help unknown authors to become great.
Sadly, I never had the money necessary to make that happen the way I saw it. Thus, why I am homeless now.
Ok, I got a bit side tracked here. I wanted to point out how having the right people around you can help or hinder ones success.
While in the example above, the person believed that they had the right people surrounding them, not really knowing that they were the wrong people for the success they wanted to achieve.
What they needed was an outsider who had no emotional connection to the writer, an honest oppio9n of their work and how to improve upon it. This simple objective oppion may help the writer to actually accomplish their goal; a great piece of work.
This concept is of great value with everything. Having the right type of support around you that is honest and willing to call a spade a spade and not hide the truth from you. I wish I had had that help for the business.
It may have not kept me from the current financial situation, but I may have been in a better position to handle this current situation. It is this thought that brings me to our current Universal situation.
I have always believed that each one of us, no matter what race or country we are from, etc., comes from one essence. That each of us holds our own destiny, while working with others to create it or not to create it. Thus, while in our body we may seem as one, separate from the whole, we are not! We are still part of the whole. And there in lines our salvation from our own devastation.
Has part of the whole, when we as individuals feel sad, lost confused or even happy, wonderful and energetic, that thought is passed on to others. We have seen it time and time again through storms, heartache, etc. We may feel a certain way, but if we surround ourselves with others that feel the same way, we seem to get further down or up depending on the situation.
Currently as a Universal consciousness it seems that as a majority, we are feeling distrustful of politicians, our economy and about our future. This negative feeling continues to be hammered home through our news stations and most importantly by our friends who are feeling the effect first hand. Thus, while we constantly want and expect things to get better, they are not because of our perceptions.
We as humans have been worst off then we currently are within the last 100 years alone. Yet, we forget about that. We think that this is horrible and the worst ever. It is NOT!
Hell, even my homelessness may be the worst I have ever gone through in my eyes, but it really is NOT! Every day I am reminded by many people who don’t know me or my situation that it could be far worst for me or even for themselves. It is that reminder that helps me stay more positive and reminds me that the end is closer then I know. It is also that type of reminder that helps me to draw into my life those who want to do and be better then what is currently perceived.
So here is the bottom line. I get that things on a conscious visual level look horrible. I am telling you that on a sub conscious level it is GREAT! And it is that greatness that you show and grow within that will help others as they too begin to accept their Greatness and the worlds Greatness.
There is NO reason that each person cannot have a job if they want one. Or make a living at want they want to do. There is no reason that Wealth on so many levels cannot be shared by everyone if the majority wants that. There is NO reason you cannot reach your Greatness in the way you want to, just shift your thought process and bring those around you that will help you reach that greatness while at the same time helping them reach their greatness. It may not look or feel smooth or even smell like a rose, but be honest every step of the way and it will happen. I look forward to seeing you when you arrive at your success.
Life goes on…I go on