Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10-12-11 #3

I saw my old roommate recently, the one who forced me out on to the streets and he asked me if anything had changed.  I held my tongue as I really wanted to say something like: “Are you Fu…ing crazy?  You trough me out to the streets, of course nothing changed!”  But I didn’t say it; instead, I smiled and simply said no.
I am real curious to understand what his thought process is or was at the time he threw me out.  Did he really expect that by forcing me out, I would magically get a job?  Or a friend of mine would allow me to move in with them?  Did he forget that I barely know anyone here and that the same issues exist for finding a job then as it does now.  It is actually harder due to the additional limits on PC access, etc.  So why would things change for me by him forcing me out on the streets?
The next question that comes to mind is his Christian belief.  What happened to charity for those in worst shape?  I understand that he cannot pay for everything; food and utilities, money is tight for him.  However, he wasn’t paying for my food ever and when I did have money for rent; he was getting something, even if it wasn’t all the rent.  He saw me busting my ass for my business and knew what happened with the Unibook failure that through me into huge debt at the first of the year.  So what was he thinking?  Why would something change overnight?  If you, the reader have the answer, please let me know.  In the mean time…
Life goes on…I go on.

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