Monday, October 24, 2011

10-24-11 Occupy Austin

10-24-11 #3
Occupy Austin and the other groups keep hanging in there and I applaud them for keeping it up. 
I also hope that they take this suggestion to hear and do something serious about it.
One of the major complaints Occupy has is the strong influence large corporations have in politics and economics.  But what about sports organizations?
Sports organizations are large corporations as well.  (Well actually, most of them are organizations held by a few owners and are not traded on the stock market, they don’t want to share their profits.)  Is no one angry at the ridiculous amount of money being paid to spoiled athletes?  And yes, I say spoiled as most of the ones earning over $1 million a season are spoiled.
The NBA is currently in negotiations with its players over contract issues which means who’s going to get more from the revenue. The players feel cheated by the owners. T he owners are being penny pinchers.  Thus, it all comes down to money.
I suggest that each of the Occupy cities who have major sports teams send groups to those offices and Occupy them.
Being paid well for your talent is one thing, but really, I mean being paid so much money that it’s ridiculous.  I say give 10-20% of your earnings, both players and organizations back to your community through the arts programs that help create our future scientist, artist, musicians is a much better use of your money then hoarding it.
Occupy organizations, the challenge is made.  Will you express anger at the sports organizations as you have done with others, or allow the status quo?

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