I have over the past month listed 5 causes that brought me to my current situation of homelessness. I would like to now venture out a bit on a 6 cause that may be considered a bit out there in the wild for most people and that final cause is Spirit.
I have been a student of Spirit and Spirituality for over 30 years and to be honest not always a very good student at understanding it or practicing my beliefs.
While I can understand the concept of balance as outlined through Buddhist practice I also understand the concept of “Life,” being caught up in the moment.
While trying to practice peace and tranquility by being centered and balanced, it is just that, practice. When we are living in the human form, we deal with a variety of things on so many levels it can be overwhelming. It is then very easy to forget what you are trying to achieve (peace) and allow emotions (ego) to get the better of you.
To be honest, that’s why we are here to begin with. To experience life so that we may grow from it and hopefully find that balance, that centered peace that we can and will achieve; nirvana, heaven and pure love.
So with that in mind, knowing that we are spiritual beings that are part of god/Universe, we can then create things in our life that help us to achieve that ultimate goal.
In my case, while I have great belief in what my company is about and trying to achieve, I may have on a spiritual level set out to create my current situation. This sub conscious act also means that the ends to my madness is there waiting to happen, however, I must first go through whatever it is I have created in order to learn what I must. In addition to that, I also know that we work with each other on a spiritual basis to make sure that all the players are there doing their part to help one learn their lesson, while they learn their own. Thus, even though this may seem to be ‘my’ issue, I may have also agreed to be part of a larger aspect that has not completely come to my attention yet. That is, not until I get out of myself and stay focused on the ‘bigger’ picture.
So, even though I have pointed out 5 main causes that together have brought me to this point of homelessness, there may in fact be that 6 reason; my subconscious spirit wanting me to learn something so that I may become a greater person, or to help the Universe become greater through my actions related to my current situation.
As I said, it may be too far out there for many people and that’s ok. For those who read this and understand it, I hope they too may learn from my experience.
Life goes on…I go on.
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