Friday, March 23, 2012

Homeless Update

It's been nearly two months since I last posted anything on here. A lot has been going on so I will try and catch you up in small segments.

Storage Unit...It appears that a few other people have been living in their storage units at my complex, but they have also been discovered and kicked out. I continue to watch my self and try my best to keep my time there limited to the off hours, but not always easy to do as business continues to move forward and I do need to get into the unit durring the day at times.

My routine at the unit is as follows: I am up and out of there by 8:30 AM to avoid the staff coming to work by 9 AM. I head to the gym to work out and shower and to this day, that was one of my best moves I made when this happened. The gym is just about a ¼ mile away, so I can easly walk to it. Once done, I then return to the unit without my gym bag as I leave it at the gym for later.

At the unit, I then collect my backpack and head out to use a computer and to just be out of there. I try not to come back until 3 to drop off the backpack and then to head back to the gym to kill some more time. I will come back to the unit by 5 and chill out until 6 when they leave. Usually, I will walk up to the grocery store and get something to eat that I can cook in my microwave. This time killer helps as usually I can streatch it out till 6 pm or later, their quitting time.

Once back in, I can then use my main PC to do some work which is not always easy. I am usually so tired of walking around...trying to be gone from their...that all I want to do is relax and get some sleep so I can start my day all over again.

Sunday is the only day that the staff is not there, and that is when I try to accomplish more, especially taking my laundry to get washed at the laundriet near by. I still empty out my piss jug about every other day late at night when I hope no one is around. Don't need to be caught doing that and trying to explain it.

That's pretty much the basics of my routine that I have settled into.

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