I have been to quite for too long. Yep, that is true. While I sit here working hard to keep my business alive, and to not upset peoples feelings and thoughts, the reality is this: I am HOMELESS and the Politicians don't give a DAMN!
Don't get me wrong, I AM part of Romney's 47%. I am a consumer who has created not only one business, but two and a non profit to help others live their dreams, to make a difference in the world. I do currently have food stamps, a grateful $200 a month that allows me to eat about 15-20 days a month. I am currently using free medical services as needed, thank God not often. So yeah, while I work my ass off to keep my business alive and to try and get it to where it should be, I am one of those that feels some help from the government is needed to survive.
And yet, it seems that all of the regulations and politics that goes on in our country actually helped put me in this position. I can't afford a lawyer to fight for what was taken from me simply because Lawyers don't believe in the free market concept...yes, they have a fixed rate that they swear to uphold as attorney's and a mutual agreement to never sue each other...talk about price fixing and lack of customer satisfaction.
So while the Politicians talk about the Middle Class and how to help them grow, the reality is, they don't. Not one of the Presidential candidates has put forth a plan to help Americans get out of this crazy economic mess. Not one of them really cares about Americans! They only care about keeping their job, or getting an elected job.
I am SOOOOOO tired of it! But, I can't be the only one, can I? I mean, what happen to those millions of people who supported Occupy Wall Street? Where did they go? Why are they allowing for this to continue? Oh, I forgot, they and yes like myself are just Sheep that are lead around and told what to do. We are sold the bill of goods that to be successful, we must have this, that and that...really?
I guess that's why my business is just not succeeding. I would much rather share the wealth with my Authors and Artist then to rip people off by selling them over priced crap so I could become a Millionaire...a Success Story.
Am I wrong to share the wealth? Am I wrong to believe that as a group of people devoted to supporting each other, that we can succeed in more ways then just financial? What happened to supporting the creative aspect of our lives? There has been so much gained from writers, artist and musician's over our entire life span as humans, it over shadows that of technology and science...after all those ideas in technology and science came from those who are creative. yet, we treat creative energy as a step child instead of embracing it and supporting it.
Now I see why Big Bird is worried about his funding cut, the cuts have been happening for years all in the name of progress and richness.
Ok, I vented. I hope I am not alone is the aspect that things have to change in a positive way in politics and in supporting the creative energy. After all, $6.00 for a cup of coffee would actually serve a greater cause if the $6.00 was used to support the Arts.
Life goes on...I go on.
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