I had mentioned that I am still dealing with legal issues over last year and they just don’t want to go away, even though they should have. But here is the classic example of power. Those who have money to spend on attorney’s win. I can’t hire an attorney so I get screwed over by the courts and by these businesses that screwed me over in the first place by not providing quality product. How many ways can you screw someone, let me keep counting the ways for you.
The latest issue is that I have an author who has been verbally assaulting, and has been trying to be this ‘Alpha Dog’ as he calls it by trying to control me and my business when it comes to his book. Sorry, he’s not paying me to be an asshole! He has failed to present me with a finished manuscript over the past 2 ½ years. Each time he hands one in, he comes back later and says, “Changes need to be made.” In addition, I agreed to pay for a proof reader for his book, which should have been a onetime deal. Instead, I get a bill from the proof reader for three separate readings because this author continued to change things. That put me further in debt and he doesn’t care. He hasn’t cared from day one what the cost are in publishing his book no matter how many times I tell him of the additional cost. His constant changing of the book has cost me to spend over $5,000 in cash, plus over $15,000 in labor for just one book.
I finally laid the law down about no more changes and that the book was going to press. Within days, I get a letter from him trying to cancel his contract and for me to turn over everything I have created for the book to him. Excuse ME? What the F…..? Needless to say, I told him that was not going to happen. His constant delays just made the contract continue beyond the original dates, which he had agreed to many times. Furthermore, after investing so much money and time into this book, I am not planning on loosing income from it, especially if it is going to turn into a movie. HELL NO! But once again, because I am in my current situation and I don’t have money for an attorney, I am going to get screwed.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer!
Life goes on…I go on
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