For a year now I have been homeless and I saw myself struggling trying to recover from what I saw and felt as a lack of...home, relationships, and most importantly, money.
During this time, I did my best to stay positive, to believe that all of this was temporary. But, it seems my words were never really showing that. I would bitch about what the printers had done to me, or the authors who took advantage of my good natured side, the list could go on. All while doing mantras that I believed would help me stay positive and change my attitude towards feeling the lack-ness in my life.
There was an interesting shift that happened recently that has showed me to alter my wording, thus changing my perspective.
Let's deal with Karma first. What has happened against me is either due to my past shit that I have done to others, or for the lessons that those involved need to deal with. The fact is that the damage is done. I can sit and wallow in misery over it, or get on with my life. I'm choosing to move forward and let Karma do its thing.
Yes, I know that materialistically I was lacking those things. But I should not be reinforcing that belief. Instead, I should acknowledge that I am those by accepting it and being grateful for it. Which if you have read my posting on Penny Pinching, you know I am grateful for everything that comes into my life: good health, money, relationships and the ability to do what I love doing while changing the world.
However, I had to change the wording of my mantra, my belief system to reflect that I am not in lack. My new mantra is this: I am free to share (insert word). This now says that I do have and that I am willing to share it. After all, if you don't share what you have, you are cutting off the flow. Everything must be kept in balance from receiving to giving.
Has anything changed since I started my new mantra? Stay tuned in as I add posts to share what has happened. I can tell you this, the first day I started to use the new mantra, I did get an extra $50 I was not expecting. I was able to pay a bill with it, so I'm happy.
Life goes on...I go on